Princess Elsa has decided for a change of scenery and spend a vacation in a place with a warmer climate. We are going to visit swimming pools and beaches this relaxing week but she didn't like any of the swimsuits she saw in the stores so she decided to create a unique design for herself. Since she is not used to this type of clothing, we have to help her achieve it. Choose the type of swimsuit we are going to create, choose the final shape of the pieces and then the print. When you finish we are going to cut out the fabric and sew it to create the bikini. Finally, we will dress Elsa in sarongs and other clothes to go to the beach. Make fun creations with the Bikini Designer Elsa game.
Get ready to play the game Elsa: Bikini Designer , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Frozen games on the web.