Boutique: Wedding Planner

Boutique: Wedding Planner

Boutique: Wedding Planner

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Boutique: Wedding Planner

Boutique: Wedding Planner

It is an online game of Weddings and Brides

In today's game we are going to be in charge of running this fashion boutique, as well as offering our wedding planner services. This means that we are going to help the four main girls in this game to prepare for their happiest days, taking care of all the details so that the wedding is a success.
We will start by making up and dressing the bride, but we are not going to forget the groom for whom we are also going to choose his outfit. Preparing the wedding cake or organizing the ceremony will be some of the other tasks that we will have to carry out in this Wedding Planner boutique game.
Get ready to play the game Boutique: Wedding Planner , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Weddings and Brides games on the web.

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