Elsa Frozen is very happy because she is going to give birth to her firstborn, but she has many doubts about what she should take to the hospital for that long-awaited day, we are going to help her collect everything that she and the baby will need. You have to keep a blanket, diapers, clothes, bottle, hat and lotion for the baby. For Elsa, toilet paper, pajamas, toothbrush and sleeping sandals.
Once Elsa arrives at the hospital, we will be present to assist her in the delivery. First, the hand must be sterilized with alcohol, then it is injected. As the labor progresses, we massage her abdomen in a circular motion to relieve the pain. We give water, the oxygen mask is put on, oh oh what happiness the baby has been born.
Now it's time to take care of the baby to give it to Elsa and fill it with all her love.
Get ready to play the game Birth of Elsa Frozen , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Pregnant games on the web.